Sunday, 28 October 2007

I found out last week that the Daily Echo will be printing an article about my fundraising sometime soon. I just need to send them a photo of myself in walking gear, hoping to get a tshirt with the NAS logo on it to wear for the picture. I will inform you all when I am to star in the local paper so you can all rush out and buy it! haha!! Hopefully this may bring in a few extra pounds for this worthwhile charity.
Another thankyou goes to Mark Burgess for his kind sponsor today!! And also thanks for getting me out and walking yesterday, without your encouragement I would have missed yet another weekends walk!

Bowling evening plans are going well, hoping to get a good crowd to come along. Hoping to raise £100 from the evening. Dont forget Tuesday 13th November at 8pm!!! Be there!!!

Thursday, 18 October 2007

Preparations are under way for my first fundraising event! I am organising a bowling evening at Tenpin in Millbrook on Tuesday 13th November, starting at 8pm. The cost per person will be £10 which will include 2 games of bowling. Hope most of you will be able to make it and Im sure we will all have fun! If you would like to attend could you let me know by 31st October so I can confirm numbers with tenpin.

I would also like to thank Leon McRae for his sponsor today, his generosity never ceases to amaze me as I have not seen this guy for 15 years or more! Thanks again Leon!

Sunday, 14 October 2007

Due to unfortunate circumstances I was unable to start up the walking group again toady as planned, hopefully I will be back on my feet and raring to go next weekend! although due to commitments next weekend it will be on Saturday instead of the usual Sunday. Hope some of you can make it!
I would like to thank Mark Hilton for his very generous sponsor on behalf of his company.

Mark Hilton owns 2 companies which specialise in manufacturing and selling glasses and trade prices. I will add the details of these companies below in case anyone is interested. It would be nice to get him some new customers in return for his kind donation.

Sales Optical Services

8 Ashfield Trading Estate,
Ashfield Road,

01722 326860

City Optical Ltd

Unit 28/City Industrial Park,
Southern Road,
SO15 1HA

02380 631716

For further information contact either of the above telephone numbers.

Thanks again Mark for your donation

Saturday, 6 October 2007

Just a quick note to thank my mum and dad for their sponser today :)

Hoping to arrange a a fundraising bowling evening soon, hope some of you will be able to attend

Monday, 1 October 2007

I am back from China and should really get myself stuck into fundraising!!

I would like to thank Wendy Short (who I met in China), Laura Dell and Sarah King for their kind sponsers!

This brings my current fundraising total to £111!