Wednesday, 14 November 2007

Well the bowling evening was a sucess, even though there were a few last minute cancellations! Im sure a great time was had by all, there certainly were some funny bowling techniques, not that I can say much as I was beaten by Megan (whos nearly 3!!!) in both games!

The prize draw was won by Susan Trust, she took the prize of a 1kg tin of chocolates, which she kindly shared with everyone!

The evening managed to raise £100, many thanks to everyone who attended!

Monday, 12 November 2007

The bowling evening is almost upon us! Tomorrow evening will be my first official fundraising event, hope everything goes well.

This Sunday (18th November) a group of us are planning to go walking in the Itchen Valley area, we will be meeting outside The White Swan pub (weather permitting!!!) at 12.30. Usual rules apply: contact me if you would like to attend (just incase I need to cancel for some reason, saves you standing there like a lemon!) and small donations on the day (all money raised going to the NAS) it would be lovely if you could make it.

I would also like to thank Carole Richardson for her donation today.

Sunday, 4 November 2007

Well we finally had a nice sunday on which to go walking. 4 of us went walking in from Ashurst to Beaulieu Road station, in total the walk was 6 miles, which took us around 3 hours (that did include a small refreshment stop for drinks and ice cream! and time spent with me posing for the photo for my press release!!! Many thanks to Karen and Michael Player and Mark Burgess for coming today, and also thanks to Mark for the photos as today of all days my battery was flat!!!!

Photos from our walk

Thursday, 1 November 2007

The bowling plans are coming along nicely, the lanes have been booked and I have 25 confirmed guests. There is still chance for anyone else to come, just let me know as soon as possible and you can be added to the booking, Tenpin have said that this will be ok but they cannot guarantee that they will be able to accomodate extra people on the night.

Somebody asked if they could be placed on the same lane as a friend, there are no hard and fast rules on this evening, you play with whoever you like! The only rule I will stipulate is that everyone must have fun!!!!! Hope to see you all there!