Sunday, 24 February 2008

The plans for the sponsored walk are coming along well! Amy and I have got the guys at work to sponsor us, so far we have around £15 put on our form, hoping that will increase since we have now got paid! Mark Burgess has also said he will join us and I am trying to convince him get sponsored too!

The car boot sale is still going ahead, a friend of my brothers is just having a new kitchen put in so was about to throw out all her old stuff, so instead has donated it to me! still looking for more unwanted items if anybody has anything!

The NAS have been great and have sent me some leaflets to promote autism awareness that I can take to the carboot sale and have also sent me some Thomas the tank engine and friends zip pulls to sell, suggested donation £1 each. If anyone is interested in a zip pull beforehand let me know. I have Henry, James, Gordon and (very few) Thomas ones. Thankyou to my brother Andrew who has already purchased one!! (Thomas of course!) I am going to go for James to go on my backpack! :)

Monday, 11 February 2008

Mum came back from shopping yesterday and said that Asda in Totton are holding a car boot sale on Easter Sunday, so I may do my boot sale there.

The advantage there is that it doesnt open until 9am so I she said that we would have to be there for 8 I think. Much better than if I go to Bursledon as I would have to get up at 5.30am!!!

Its £5 per car and I think that money goes to the charity they support (which Im sure is one of the Cancer charities) I need to go and speak to them and arrange my space.

If you have any unwanted items you would be willing to donate please let me know, all proceeds from the sale will go to the NAS. I would like to thank Julie and Steve for their donation of unwanted items which have already raised £15 without ever reaching the car boot sale and also all the friends of my Grandma who have donated items which are currently filling her dining room!

Any items that do not sell will go to the next sale which I am planning for a later date and if it doesnt go then I will donate it all to a local charity shop.

Sunday, 10 February 2008

Have done a little research and the walk is not as far as we originally thought. If we start from the Itchen Bridge in Woolston and end at Winchester Cathedral the walk is 14 miles each way.

Hoping a few people will join us either Saturday or Sunday for all or part of the walk.

If anybody would like to raise money for The National Autistic Society and get themselves sponsored for the walk that would be great (contact me for a sponsor form) if not a donation to the charity would be greatly appreciated.

Saturday, 9 February 2008

Plans are under way for a walking weekend, my training plan says I should have completed a weekend walking for seven hours each day by the time I do the trek. So Amy and I have decided we are going to walk from Southampton to Winchester and back again over the weekend of 15th-16th March.

Not sure of the exact length but think it is around 20 miles each way! arrghh! Dad said I would have to practice beforehand as there isnt much opportunity to change my mind along the way, I said I cant change my mind halfway along the Inca Trail either!

Have decided it may be a good fundraising oppourtunity as well so hoping that others may join us for some or all of the walk and get sponsored.

Wednesday, 6 February 2008

Well 2 and a half weeks on and I have been using the gym. I have been swimming 3 times a week and have already noticed my fitness improving! The first trip I managed to do 12 lengths in around 40 minutes, my latest swim I managed to do 22 lengths in 36 minutes! :)

Have been reading my training plan from classic tours and it says I should be doing:
  • 4 x aerobics exercise (which can be swimming, I will just have to do another day or I may combine it with running or should that be jogging in my case!)
  • 1 x recreational exercise (anything I enjoy, which I have been doing. Getting back into yoga!)
  • 3 x strength training per week (OK I will have to sort that one out!)

I should also have completed a 5 hour fast paced continuous walk by the end of this month! (Does running around all day at work over christmas and clearance count I wonder??? No? well I best get my boots on then!!)

Must get walking during this week of Im having, trouble is I wore silly heeled boots to London yeaterday and gave myself blisters, perhaps its time to trial the compeed plasters they recommend us to take with us!!

Thats about it on the training front, fundraising I still need to work on. I have purchased prizes for the treasure hunt I hope to plan for sometime around easter, thoughts were if I got the prizes I would actually have to get around to arranging it!

I am also hoping to plan another bowling evening, so all of you that missed out last time best make an effort this time! lol! hopefully it will be Tuesday 11th March.

Also want to get the walking group started up again, so if anyone is interested contact me by phone/email.

And dont forget if you know someone that would be willing to donate to this worthwhile cause pass on the information of my fundraising page or direct them to this blog!