Sunday, 20 January 2008

A big thankyou to Hayley Nutt for my first sponsor this year!

Today I have joined the gym in an attempt to get fit enough for this challenge, well lets face it, who wants to go walking in this weather??? although in saying that I did go for a walk last weekend, but the majority of it was waterlogged and lets just say I think there was more mud on my boots than there was in the field!

Have been busy purchasing the essential items for the trek, so far I have bought:
  • Walking Boots
  • Waterproof jacket
  • Fleece
  • 4 pairs of walking socks (a few more required!!)
  • A backpack to be used as a day bag
  • Water bottle
  • Metal cup

Thanks to my Grandma I have a torch for those dark evenings and a neck pillow which will come in handy!

Still got a fair bit to get, the sleeping bag being most important!!!! Need to get one that has a comfort rating of at least freezing! eek! Must get some advice on that one!!

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