Sunday, 1 June 2008

Well the adventure is now over! but the good news is I have raised almost £1000 for The NAS!!

All the hard work and pain was worth it!! and to get this message makes it even more worthwhile:
"to aunty kerry, i just wanted to write an say a huge thanks for what you and george did for my charity, i am very grateful for it and i have a big kiss an cuddle waitin for youwell done we are all very proudespecially my mummy loads of love Maddie xxxxxxxxxx"

I would like to thank Maddie for the lovely flowers, and say I love you Maddie, because of you I have achieved more than I could have ever imagined!!

Now time to back track, I know you are dying to hear about the trip (those that have been reading!!) so I will copy interesting parts of my travel journal so you can share with me the excitement of the journey!

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