Monday, 17 March 2008

Day one of the walk didnt get off to the best of starts!! Due to road works on the Avenue Amy and I got to the civic centre only to see our 09.30 train leaving the station and heading to Winchester!

I called Mark to let him know as he had got the earlier train and he informed us of a mystery guest who would be joining us! So while we waited for the train Amy and I played guessing games as to who it could possibly be, needless to say we didnt have any ideas really but it kept us entertained until the 10.00 train arrived to take us to Winchester.

Upon getting on a rather full train we sat down next to a couple of foreign guys who had got a bit confused, they had got up at 5.30am to get the train to Southampton from London to meet someone only to find out they should have been meeting in Southampton Street in London! Ooops! We never found out where they were from but they kept us company on the short journey to Winchester.

Eventually (albeit half hour late) we met Mark and the mystery guest who was his friend Chris in Winchester City centre. It was then off to the cathedral to begin the long walk home.

From there we walked along the water meadows to Twyford chatting away and everyone getting to know one another. Then it was under the busy M3 and along to the footpath of the Itchen Way, the first hurdle to cross was a fallen tree that had come down in last weeks storms, this was relatively easy. We had planned to stop in the bridge pub in Shawford for a drink and a bite to eat but didnt realise we would get there quite so early so decided to carry on, fuelled by haribo, jelly babies and wine gums!

A little while later the rain began to fall, so it was on with the waterproofs, or in Chris's case up with the umbrella! they mocked my waterproof trousers but at least I stayed dry!

The walk was relatively easy but started to get muddy on the approach to Eastleigh. Once we got to Eastleigh we decided a pub stop was in order (and a toilet stop for us ladies!!) From there on we were on familiar territory as we walked alongside the airport. Here we found another fallen tree which was slightly more difficult to navigate, thankyou to the guys who helped us across. It was extremely muddy along here and it was fairly difficult to get across, mainly involved hanging onto trees and fences.

An hour or so later we reached Mansbridge and the rain began to fall again, we decided to carry on regardless and head on to Southampton, although there was a concrete footpath here Amy and I decided we would walk along the grass as it was much more comfortable under our feet!
5 and a half hours after leaving Winchester we arrived at Southampton!!! We decided to go home and freshen up before heading off out for a celebratory dinner which I must say was well deserved!

So that was day one over! The guys said they wouldnt be joining us on Sunday and Amy and I were blissfully unaware of the following day as we headed out for an evening of fun!

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