Saturday, 1 March 2008

I cant believe that it is only 11 weeks until the trek!!

I would like to say thankyou to my brother for taking a sponsor form into work for me, and another thankyou to his workmates (all except one of them I have never met before) for their support! he has only asked a few people so far and already has £85 on the form with £30 of that already paid! I have said I will treat them to doughnuts when all the money is collected! (I said chocolate but Andrew said they like their doughnuts!!! so doughnuts it is) I will count the money from here in my overall total once it has all been collected. (The sooner the money comes in the sooner they get their doughnuts!)

The sponsor form at work for the Winchester-Southampton walk is filling up nicely and some of the zip pulls have sold already (I think from memory there is around £7 in the pot!) thanks to all those that have got one! (Oh that would be me as well!! I thought James would look nice on my yoga bag!)

I have said I will try and start up the walking group again in April so if anyone wants to join us let me know, it will probably be on sundays again, looking at going over to the Isle of Wight for a walk one weekend.

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