Sunday, 23 March 2008

Whoever said that fundraising wasn't easy was definately right!!! The morning arrived to have the car boot sale, the car had been loaded the night before (I was extremely organised!) I was up bright and early, mum was in the car buried under stuff to sell, I turn the key in the ignition and...........................nothing! lets just say I was not impressed! Tried to bump start the car, still nothing, so I called my brother to come and jump start us (guess he wasnt impressed either at being woken up!) luckily a guy across the road had some jump leads so a quick call to Andrew to tell him to go back to bed and Mark jump started us on our way!

All was going well, I even had a text message from a friend saying how lucky we were that it wasnt raining, well no sooner had I read the message the rain began! But not to be put of the buyers were still around and we managed to raise £46.55! which considering the weather is a great amount!

A huge thankyou to everyone that donated items for me to sell and also thankyou to mum and dad for helping me load the car and start up the boot sale and also to Andrew and Kerry for helping me during the morning and helping me pack up and jump start the car to come home! All your help is greatly appreiciated!

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