Saturday, 7 June 2008

I am extremely pleased to announce that I have managed to raise £1000!!!

That is more than I could have imagined and wanted to thank each and every one of you that donated, either by sponsorship or attending one of my events! also thanks goes to the complete strangers who purchased goods at the wet and windy carboot sale and of course to the friends and strangers that donated those goods!! Also to 2 people who I have met via a website I frequent (you know who you are! you are both stars!!)

I have added the photos that I have been promising! Hope you like the small selection, there are over 200 so didnt want to bore you all, so picked a few of the best ones!

And so the journey begins!

Originally uploaded by Kerry Player

Queuing to register on the Inca Trail

Originally uploaded by Kerry Player

Once you have crossed this bridge you are on your way!

Originally uploaded by Kerry Player

Some of the first views of the Inca Trail

Originally uploaded by Kerry Player

Our first nights camp

Originally uploaded by Kerry Player

View back down the mountain

Originally uploaded by Kerry Player
Somewhere far far down this hill was camp where we started are trek uphill (if you look very very closely you may just make it out)

The porters climbing the last few steps to the top of Dead Womans Pass

Originally uploaded by Kerry Player

George and I at Dead Womans Pass

Originally uploaded by Kerry Player
I think the state of me in this picture shows how tough the climb to the top of Dead Womans Pass actually was. The altitude at this point was 4200m

Our group climbing up once more!!

Originally uploaded by Kerry Player

Yet another wonderful view

Originally uploaded by Kerry Player

Another mountain view

Originally uploaded by Kerry Player

Me on top of the world!!

Originally uploaded by Kerry Player
This has to be one of the most amazing places I have ever been, the views from here were out of this world

Me and George (a fellow NAS fundraiser)

Originally uploaded by Kerry Player
Our first glimpse of our ultimate destination! the view over our shoulder of the sun rising over Macchu Piccu from the Sun gate

The llama of Macchu Picchu

Originally uploaded by Kerry Player

The amazing view of Macchu Piccu

Originally uploaded by Kerry Player

Proof I made it!!

Originally uploaded by Kerry Player

Sunday, 1 June 2008

I suppose the final thing I need to write about the trip is that it has been the best and worst thing I have ever done!

Best because of all the good the money I have raised will do, because of all the fantastic people I have met and finally because I completed the toughest challenge of my life!

But it was also the worst because it was so hard!! The altitude made you feel so unfit and everything was a struggle!! But the thought of Maddie, Rach and all those that I will have helped through the fundraising got me through!

So would I do anything like it again? I must be mad but yes I probably would!!
Saturday 17th May 2008

The journey has begun!! And once again the phrase "its not going to be easy" was put to the test! after arriving at the central bus station at Heathrow Gill and I were surprised to find the only way to get to terminal 4 was by taxi and at 3am this wasnt cheap! Luckily for us a kind gentleman offered to share with us and we finally met up with the group and proceed with the difficult task of automatic check-in!

We finally all made it through security and before we knew it we had boarded the plane and arrived in Amsterdam. We had just enough time to get to the next gate for our connecting flight. The flight to Lima was only 13 hours but felt more like 24! The flight was eventually over but unfortunately one of the people from our group didnt have their luggage arrive, hopefully it will arrive tomorrow!

After checking in at the hotel we had dinner and a wander around the plaza near the hotel. Next stop shower before the early morning wake up call tomorrow!

Sunday 18th May 2008

We have finally arrived at altitude at Cuzco. We were told to prepare for cold weather but were happy to arrive to bright sunlight and warm temperature. A few people are struggling with the altitude but so far I can say I feel ok, slightly out of breath but nothing serious- although that may have something to do with the 4 cups of cocoa tea which surprisingly doesnt taste too bad!!

This afternoon we have been on a gentle walking tour to see the sights of Cuzco. The views over the mountains are amazing and I am sure the photos will not do it justice!

We have been told to prepare for a cold night so we have the thermals and sleeping bags at the ready!

Monday 19th May 2008

It was fairly chilly last night but not too bad! Managed to have a lie in until almost 8 although I have been awake on and off since 4 (thats the trouble with going to bed at 8!!)

The lost luggage has finally arrived thankfully!!

A group of us have had a leisurely tour of Cuzco today. We have visited the Inca mueseum which houses ancient Inca artifacts and some Inca mummies. We also went to Cuzco Cathedral which was amazing inside! This may sound like a holiday but it was also the important part of the trip- time spent acclimatising to the altitude!!

The group all had dinner together back at the hotel and 2 of the group did a speech about their charity, The National Deaf Children Society. After them George (a fellow NAS fundraiser) spoke about The National Autistic Society and autism. I am not impressed with him as he made me stand in front of 40 people and talk too!! and you all know how much I hate public speaking!!

Tuesday 20th May 2008

Another early morning wake up call for a day tour of Cuzco! Our first stop was Saqsaywamen, an ancient Inca site. The view over Cuzco from here was amazing! we were at our highest point so far in the trip 3700m above sea level.

From there we went to another site called Pisac where we had a 2 1/2 hour hike along another part of the Inca trail. Once again the views were fantastic, the walk was tiring but gave us a taste of things to come.

On arrival back at the hotel it was time to pack our duffle bags for the trek, we are allowed 8kgs, luckily mine only weighed 5 which meant there was plenty of space to fill up with nutritional supplies for the trek (ok so the supplies we sweets and chocolate!!)

Wednesday 21st May 2008
Cuzco-Inca Trail

The day of the trek ahs finally arrived and after a 5am wake up call we were on our way. We stopped at a small town on our way and I purchased a "magic stick" and a water bottle holder that have become invaluable!

After a short stop we headed on to KM82 to all start the trail. The first uphill was a struggle but we soon got used to it.

Our guides gave talks along the way, once again the views were out of this world! As we walked along at a steady pace the porters rushed by carrying 20kgs of stuff each, the really must be super human!

We arrived at the lunch stop and the porters had erected the mess tent and cooked a wonderful spread of food. Unfortunately I came over all funny and didnt feel well enough to eat it. But I plodded on! I stayed at the back at a slow pace under doctors orders.

this afternoon was tough as there was lots of up and down hills and the sun was beating down on us.

We were relieved once the sun had gone behind the mountains and it got a bit cooler.

The last uphill to camp was torture and I have never been so pleased to see a tent in my life! By the time I got to camp I was feeling much better! Once again the mess tent was up with hot drinks and popcorn ready for us, you would have thought it was a meal from a 5 star restaurant for how pleased we all were! And then a few hours later the porters excelled themselves again with a wonderful dinner!

From our camp we have the most amazing view of a snow capped mountain! The views make all the hard work worthwhile!

Thursday 22nd May 2008
Inca Trail (day 2)

Today was tough! And that is an understatement After a 5.30 wake up call and breakfast we started the uphill climb to dead womans pass. Dead womans pass is the highest point along the Inca Trail at 4200m above sea level. To get there we had to climb the equivalent of Mount Snowdon only much steeper and at altitude with thinner air!

We started walking at around 7am and reached our lunch stop at 11.30 and it was uphill all the way. After lunch was the last 500m to climb which is the toughest part of the trek. I struggled along at the back which actually was the best place to be! Because of the steepness and lack of oxygen we felt very unfit! After plenty of breaks we made it to the top some 7 hours after we left camp!

After a group photo there was 600m descent to camp. This was still tough but at least breathing was easier!

We were all glad to reach camp once again! Not long until a well deserved dinner!

Looking at the dark night sky the starts are amazing I have never seen so many! You can actually see the milkyway. We evenually made out the plough as well which confused us as it is upside down here!

Friday 23rd May 2008
Inca Trail (day 3)

Today has been a long and tiring day! Another 5.30 wake up call and at 6.30 we were on our way.

What we all forgot was that although yesterday we hit our highest altitude today we had to climb back up to 4000m, only 200m less than yesterday. So after leaving camp it was uphill yet again! I have decided that the altitude starts to affect me at around 3800m above sea level, from there I get giddyness and shortness of breath. But the views at the top of Runkurakay were again worth it.

We carried n up and down hill and after our last meal in the mess tents we carried on uphill through the forests which were beautiful until we reached another peak which has the most amazing views of the trip so far, all around us were mountains and it felt like we were on top of the world!

From there we had to descend 1000m to our campsite, the descent was steep steps and uneven ground all the way, we all said how tough it was and that we never wanted to do that again!

The last 6 of us eventually arrived at camp at 5.30pm (11 hours after we started!) just as it got dark!

Camp seems to be a bit warmer tonight but it is still only 6.30 so how cold it will get remains to be seen! We have a bar in camp tonight which would be great if we didnt have to be up at 4am tomorrow!

Saturday 24th May 2008
Inca trail (day 4)

Another early morning wake up call, only this time it was still dark!! We set of with our torches for the hour and a half trek to the sun gate, the last climb up yest again was worth it! The view over Macchu Picchu as the sun rose was an amotional achievement of the last 4 days. There was plenty of time for photos before we made our way down to Macchu Picchu for a guided tour of the site.

We were relived to get rid of our bags for a few hours and explore. The site itself was fantastic and we were given a guided tour. I was dissappointed on leaving the site to find my "magic stick" had dissappeared. At least it survived the important part of the trip and it was £2 well spent!

After a scary 20 minute bus ride to Aguas Calientes we were back in the real world! (well not quite as we know it) the town felt really busy after being alone up in the mountains for the past 4 days.

We had lucnh in a local reataurant and then got the train back to the beginning of the trail. After another coach journey we arrived back in Cuzco. We all enjoyed a much needed shower before heading off for our celebratory meal. On the tables were leaflets on next years treks and we all said it was far too soon to be considering the next one already!!

The meal was lovely and we were entertained by a local band. We were the last to leave and the majority of us headed of to the local english bar to continue with our celebrations.

Sunday 25th May 2008
Cuzco-Lima-Somewhere over the Atlantic Ocean

After our late night we were all pleased to have a lie in (only in Peru could 7.30am be a lie in!!) we were all glad of the comfy bed we had slept in overnight too!

After some last minute packing we said our farewells to the lucky people staying behind and headed off to the airport. A short flight took us to Lima and upon our arrival we were told there was not enough time to get the the city centre between our flights so we were going to the nearby San Miguel. We were all dissappointed to find this was a shopping mall, not really where we wanted to spend our last few hours in South America!

Before we knew it we were back at the airport and on the long haul flight back home! I managed to stay up to watch a film and eat dinner before sleeping most of the way home.

DAY 10
Monday 26th May 2008
Somewhere over the Atlantic Ocean-Amsterdam-Home

Upon arriving at Amsterdam I was surprised to hear we had had a pretty rough flight! The flight from Amsterdam didnt go to plan as once we were on board we were told that due to bad weather we could not take off for 50 minutes. Eventually one hour late we arrived back in London and the adventure was over! All that was left was to say our goodbyes to all the fantastic people we had been with over the last 10 days.
Well the adventure is now over! but the good news is I have raised almost £1000 for The NAS!!

All the hard work and pain was worth it!! and to get this message makes it even more worthwhile:
"to aunty kerry, i just wanted to write an say a huge thanks for what you and george did for my charity, i am very grateful for it and i have a big kiss an cuddle waitin for youwell done we are all very proudespecially my mummy loads of love Maddie xxxxxxxxxx"

I would like to thank Maddie for the lovely flowers, and say I love you Maddie, because of you I have achieved more than I could have ever imagined!!

Now time to back track, I know you are dying to hear about the trip (those that have been reading!!) so I will copy interesting parts of my travel journal so you can share with me the excitement of the journey!

Tuesday, 13 May 2008

Just 4 days left to go!! The final prepartions are under way all that is left to do is collect my foriegn currency tomorrow and decide on my outfit for the celebratory evening in Peru after the trek. (and pack those final few things that as of yet I am unaware of but am sure to have forgotten!!)

I would like to thanks my Auntie Tracey and Uncle Geoff for the cheque that arrived in the post this morning!!

I am over the moon that I have managed to raise another £80 in just 24 hours and have also had people tell me that they will sponsor me another £15 which I will count when I recieve it! My total now stands at £940!!!

Monday, 12 May 2008

Its now 5 days until I leave for Peru and a last minute email has led to a few more sponsors :)

Thankyou to Andrew Dyer, Mark Burgess and Alia Khan for their donations today! I would also like to thank Emma, a collegue of my dads, for her kind donation!

The bags are almost packed and there are just a few last minute things to do and I will be ready! Cannot believe the trek is almost here!!

Saturday, 3 May 2008

With just 2 weeks to go until I leave for the trek I should really be writing here that I have been extremely bust training, but I have to admit that there has been little training here Im afraid!! I really should get out and about in preparation for the trek!! although in saying that, I did plenty of hill walking in center parcs last week so that should count for something I suppose!

Just totaled up all the money paid to the NAS and the money I still have to pay in and the current total stands at £839, which is great, I would love to reach £1000 before I leave for the trek but with just 2 weeks to go I expect this is highly doubtful!

Well Im off today to buy my sleeping bag, or I shall be very chilly at the top of the mountain sleeping in just my thermals!!

Monday, 31 March 2008

Not as many people turned up to the Bingo evening as was expected but we still had a good time, even if the chocolate fountain decided it wasnt going to join in!!

Thankyou to Mum, Dad, Andrew, Kerry, Mark and Alia for coming and helping me raise another £35. Hope you all had fun!!

Wednesday, 26 March 2008

I am extremely thankful to my brother for taking a sponsor form into work with him! I was surprised enough when he told me he had managed to get £85 in sponsorship from his work mates but imagine my surprise when a week later he told me he had raised £195 and that his company had sponsored me too!!! I would like to say a huge thankyou to TW Metals, Nursling for their kind donation and all the staff who have sponsored me, you are amazing and Andrew will be bringing in treats for you all tomorrow as a token of my appreciation!

I cannot believe I have now raised over £700 and couldnt have done that without the help and support of my friends and family! But that makes my fundraising sound kind of final which it isnt and I still want to raise a lot more money for this worthwhile charity!

Sunday, 23 March 2008

Whoever said that fundraising wasn't easy was definately right!!! The morning arrived to have the car boot sale, the car had been loaded the night before (I was extremely organised!) I was up bright and early, mum was in the car buried under stuff to sell, I turn the key in the ignition and...........................nothing! lets just say I was not impressed! Tried to bump start the car, still nothing, so I called my brother to come and jump start us (guess he wasnt impressed either at being woken up!) luckily a guy across the road had some jump leads so a quick call to Andrew to tell him to go back to bed and Mark jump started us on our way!

All was going well, I even had a text message from a friend saying how lucky we were that it wasnt raining, well no sooner had I read the message the rain began! But not to be put of the buyers were still around and we managed to raise £46.55! which considering the weather is a great amount!

A huge thankyou to everyone that donated items for me to sell and also thankyou to mum and dad for helping me load the car and start up the boot sale and also to Andrew and Kerry for helping me during the morning and helping me pack up and jump start the car to come home! All your help is greatly appreiciated!

Saturday, 22 March 2008

More thanks are in order as my total increases to £478.45!! Thankyou to my Grandma and Louise for their kind sponsors!

The carboot sale is set to go ahead tomorrow and already the boot of my car is full and that is just with the items that my Grandma has had given to her for the sale!! I still have the contents of the spare room to put it the car yet! I have got my price labels printed and some balloons blown up with helium to advertise the fact that it is for charity. Hopefully I will be able to raise quite a bit tomorrow, but its going to be another of those events that will be affected by the weather I expect!

Thursday, 20 March 2008

I have decided due to the forever changing weather to cancel the treasure hunt on Sunday 30th March, but dont worry if you were looking forward to it, it will be held at a later date (hopefully when we can rely on the weather a bit more!!!)

Instead I am holding a bingo afternoon at home which you are all welcome to attend! Bring plenty of £1 coins and join in the fun! There are prizes to be won and I will provide a buffet and (hopefully!) a mini chocolate fountain for everyone to enjoy!

Monday, 17 March 2008

Day 2 began with me awaking to the sound of pouring rain! But not to be deterred we carried on regardless.

We soon became aware that the river levels had risen over night due to the rain and everywhere was a lot muddier! What were our footpaths yesterday had appeared to become another river and had become even more difficult to cross. But meanwhile while we were busy deciding the best methods to get across or around (or in some cases through!) the muddy puddles, in the country park next to our footpath there were some cross country runners covered in mud up to their waists on some kind of FUN(???) run! we cheered them on and carried on along our merry way!

The fallen tree was slightly easier to navigate from this way so we easily made our way over it! It was from Eastleigh that the real fun began! The high river levels were more noticable from here and our route was almost entirely blocked apart from a small strip of grass and wood, we decided there was no way we were turning back and crossed the swollen river in such a way that you would have thought we had been practicing the beam in gymnastic for years! (ok so we didnt quite do cartwheels but our balancing act was brilliant!) Just around the corner our path was completely blocked but luckily the fence had come down so we were able to walk alongside the footpath in a neighbouring field.

We seemed to be getting through the walk so much quicker today, even though we had given oursleves extra time and the fact that the wind was in our faces! The rain poured on and off but we were safely cocooned in our waterproofs!

We reached Shawford and decided to stop for sunday lunch before finishing the last hour of the walk! The lunch was delicous and we called my parents to let them know we were an hour away as they were meeting us to pick us up. Dad asked if we wanted picking up from there but there was no way we were not doing the last few miles, so we kitted ourselves back up and headed out for the last 3 miles!

We finally arrived back at Winchester Cathedral at 16.15 absolutely exhausted but extremely glad we had completed the 30 miles over the weekend!!

Now we have the job of collecting up all the sponsor money (after reading this, you know we deserve it!!) and cleaning all the muddy gear we have returned with!

I would like to thank Amy for completing both days with me, you have been a great support and I am so sorry you had to go to work today!! And thankyou to the guys Mark and Chris for joining in on saturday, it was great to have you there!
Day one of the walk didnt get off to the best of starts!! Due to road works on the Avenue Amy and I got to the civic centre only to see our 09.30 train leaving the station and heading to Winchester!

I called Mark to let him know as he had got the earlier train and he informed us of a mystery guest who would be joining us! So while we waited for the train Amy and I played guessing games as to who it could possibly be, needless to say we didnt have any ideas really but it kept us entertained until the 10.00 train arrived to take us to Winchester.

Upon getting on a rather full train we sat down next to a couple of foreign guys who had got a bit confused, they had got up at 5.30am to get the train to Southampton from London to meet someone only to find out they should have been meeting in Southampton Street in London! Ooops! We never found out where they were from but they kept us company on the short journey to Winchester.

Eventually (albeit half hour late) we met Mark and the mystery guest who was his friend Chris in Winchester City centre. It was then off to the cathedral to begin the long walk home.

From there we walked along the water meadows to Twyford chatting away and everyone getting to know one another. Then it was under the busy M3 and along to the footpath of the Itchen Way, the first hurdle to cross was a fallen tree that had come down in last weeks storms, this was relatively easy. We had planned to stop in the bridge pub in Shawford for a drink and a bite to eat but didnt realise we would get there quite so early so decided to carry on, fuelled by haribo, jelly babies and wine gums!

A little while later the rain began to fall, so it was on with the waterproofs, or in Chris's case up with the umbrella! they mocked my waterproof trousers but at least I stayed dry!

The walk was relatively easy but started to get muddy on the approach to Eastleigh. Once we got to Eastleigh we decided a pub stop was in order (and a toilet stop for us ladies!!) From there on we were on familiar territory as we walked alongside the airport. Here we found another fallen tree which was slightly more difficult to navigate, thankyou to the guys who helped us across. It was extremely muddy along here and it was fairly difficult to get across, mainly involved hanging onto trees and fences.

An hour or so later we reached Mansbridge and the rain began to fall again, we decided to carry on regardless and head on to Southampton, although there was a concrete footpath here Amy and I decided we would walk along the grass as it was much more comfortable under our feet!
5 and a half hours after leaving Winchester we arrived at Southampton!!! We decided to go home and freshen up before heading off out for a celebratory dinner which I must say was well deserved!

So that was day one over! The guys said they wouldnt be joining us on Sunday and Amy and I were blissfully unaware of the following day as we headed out for an evening of fun!

Friday, 14 March 2008

Well its the night before the sponsored (MAD!!!) walk!

We have our waterproofs at the ready (thankyou Eileen for the loan of the waterproof trousers, I have a feeling I will need them!) My bag is packed (with the all important snacks and drinks!) and I am set to catch the train to Winchester with Amy and Mark at 09.30 tomorrow morning!

We are set to raise over £100 for the walk, I have to say a HUGE thankyou to Amy for getting most of the sponsors! you have been amazing!!

Well I will update again if I survive the weekend! Wish me luck!!

Saturday, 8 March 2008

10 weeks to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have had another 2 sponsors this week, bringing my current total to £420. Many thanks to my Nan and Grandad for sponsoring me and also thankyou to an online friend for her kind donation!

Its only a week to go before my sponsored walk to and from Winchester and Southampton, hopefully the weather will be nice! Both me and Amy are looking forward to it! I am not looking forward to getting up on Sunday for the return walk, it might be a bit of a struggle!

The spare room is now filling up with stuff for the car boot sale, I finally got around to emptying my wardrobe of clothes I no longer wear, I am ashamed to say the pile goes up past my knees! And if I am honest there could probably be more than that! Almost all the stuff there has only been worn a handful of times! So now I have lots of clothes, lots of kitchen wear and lots of puzzles to sell, and various other bits and pieces! hopefully it will be a success.

My brother has amazed me with the sponsor form he has taken into work, after 2 weeks he has almost £200 on his form, I will post details on the support of TW Metals once I have the money in (or else I will end up repating myself yet again!!) hopefully that will be sooner rather than later!

I am off to do some training today while the sun is shining! No doubt by the time I get out it will have started raining! hoping to go to Queen Elizabeth Country Park to get some hill walking in!

Sunday, 2 March 2008

Just a quick post to say thankyou to Donna and Bryan for paying for the taxi last night, they wouldn't accept my money to share the cost so I have donated it to The NAS.

I have also booked my place at the car boot sale at Asda on Easter Sunday.

Have been busy planning the treasure hunt details today, the date is set as Sunday 30th March, starting at Houndwell Park (behind Primark) at 12pm. Decided to incorporate a quiz into the event as well to make sure we have a clear winner! Details have been previously posted but the cost will be £10 per team, with each team having 4 members. There will be prizes for the winning team and a small treat for everyone! Please contact me if you wish to attend.

Saturday, 1 March 2008

I cant believe that it is only 11 weeks until the trek!!

I would like to say thankyou to my brother for taking a sponsor form into work for me, and another thankyou to his workmates (all except one of them I have never met before) for their support! he has only asked a few people so far and already has £85 on the form with £30 of that already paid! I have said I will treat them to doughnuts when all the money is collected! (I said chocolate but Andrew said they like their doughnuts!!! so doughnuts it is) I will count the money from here in my overall total once it has all been collected. (The sooner the money comes in the sooner they get their doughnuts!)

The sponsor form at work for the Winchester-Southampton walk is filling up nicely and some of the zip pulls have sold already (I think from memory there is around £7 in the pot!) thanks to all those that have got one! (Oh that would be me as well!! I thought James would look nice on my yoga bag!)

I have said I will try and start up the walking group again in April so if anyone wants to join us let me know, it will probably be on sundays again, looking at going over to the Isle of Wight for a walk one weekend.

Sunday, 24 February 2008

The plans for the sponsored walk are coming along well! Amy and I have got the guys at work to sponsor us, so far we have around £15 put on our form, hoping that will increase since we have now got paid! Mark Burgess has also said he will join us and I am trying to convince him get sponsored too!

The car boot sale is still going ahead, a friend of my brothers is just having a new kitchen put in so was about to throw out all her old stuff, so instead has donated it to me! still looking for more unwanted items if anybody has anything!

The NAS have been great and have sent me some leaflets to promote autism awareness that I can take to the carboot sale and have also sent me some Thomas the tank engine and friends zip pulls to sell, suggested donation £1 each. If anyone is interested in a zip pull beforehand let me know. I have Henry, James, Gordon and (very few) Thomas ones. Thankyou to my brother Andrew who has already purchased one!! (Thomas of course!) I am going to go for James to go on my backpack! :)

Monday, 11 February 2008

Mum came back from shopping yesterday and said that Asda in Totton are holding a car boot sale on Easter Sunday, so I may do my boot sale there.

The advantage there is that it doesnt open until 9am so I she said that we would have to be there for 8 I think. Much better than if I go to Bursledon as I would have to get up at 5.30am!!!

Its £5 per car and I think that money goes to the charity they support (which Im sure is one of the Cancer charities) I need to go and speak to them and arrange my space.

If you have any unwanted items you would be willing to donate please let me know, all proceeds from the sale will go to the NAS. I would like to thank Julie and Steve for their donation of unwanted items which have already raised £15 without ever reaching the car boot sale and also all the friends of my Grandma who have donated items which are currently filling her dining room!

Any items that do not sell will go to the next sale which I am planning for a later date and if it doesnt go then I will donate it all to a local charity shop.

Sunday, 10 February 2008

Have done a little research and the walk is not as far as we originally thought. If we start from the Itchen Bridge in Woolston and end at Winchester Cathedral the walk is 14 miles each way.

Hoping a few people will join us either Saturday or Sunday for all or part of the walk.

If anybody would like to raise money for The National Autistic Society and get themselves sponsored for the walk that would be great (contact me for a sponsor form) if not a donation to the charity would be greatly appreciated.

Saturday, 9 February 2008

Plans are under way for a walking weekend, my training plan says I should have completed a weekend walking for seven hours each day by the time I do the trek. So Amy and I have decided we are going to walk from Southampton to Winchester and back again over the weekend of 15th-16th March.

Not sure of the exact length but think it is around 20 miles each way! arrghh! Dad said I would have to practice beforehand as there isnt much opportunity to change my mind along the way, I said I cant change my mind halfway along the Inca Trail either!

Have decided it may be a good fundraising oppourtunity as well so hoping that others may join us for some or all of the walk and get sponsored.

Wednesday, 6 February 2008

Well 2 and a half weeks on and I have been using the gym. I have been swimming 3 times a week and have already noticed my fitness improving! The first trip I managed to do 12 lengths in around 40 minutes, my latest swim I managed to do 22 lengths in 36 minutes! :)

Have been reading my training plan from classic tours and it says I should be doing:
  • 4 x aerobics exercise (which can be swimming, I will just have to do another day or I may combine it with running or should that be jogging in my case!)
  • 1 x recreational exercise (anything I enjoy, which I have been doing. Getting back into yoga!)
  • 3 x strength training per week (OK I will have to sort that one out!)

I should also have completed a 5 hour fast paced continuous walk by the end of this month! (Does running around all day at work over christmas and clearance count I wonder??? No? well I best get my boots on then!!)

Must get walking during this week of Im having, trouble is I wore silly heeled boots to London yeaterday and gave myself blisters, perhaps its time to trial the compeed plasters they recommend us to take with us!!

Thats about it on the training front, fundraising I still need to work on. I have purchased prizes for the treasure hunt I hope to plan for sometime around easter, thoughts were if I got the prizes I would actually have to get around to arranging it!

I am also hoping to plan another bowling evening, so all of you that missed out last time best make an effort this time! lol! hopefully it will be Tuesday 11th March.

Also want to get the walking group started up again, so if anyone is interested contact me by phone/email.

And dont forget if you know someone that would be willing to donate to this worthwhile cause pass on the information of my fundraising page or direct them to this blog!

Sunday, 20 January 2008

A big thankyou to Hayley Nutt for my first sponsor this year!

Today I have joined the gym in an attempt to get fit enough for this challenge, well lets face it, who wants to go walking in this weather??? although in saying that I did go for a walk last weekend, but the majority of it was waterlogged and lets just say I think there was more mud on my boots than there was in the field!

Have been busy purchasing the essential items for the trek, so far I have bought:
  • Walking Boots
  • Waterproof jacket
  • Fleece
  • 4 pairs of walking socks (a few more required!!)
  • A backpack to be used as a day bag
  • Water bottle
  • Metal cup

Thanks to my Grandma I have a torch for those dark evenings and a neck pillow which will come in handy!

Still got a fair bit to get, the sleeping bag being most important!!!! Need to get one that has a comfort rating of at least freezing! eek! Must get some advice on that one!!

Thursday, 10 January 2008

The start of 2008 and I have to say I have fallen off the wagon a bit! I have done next to no training so really need to get stuck in!! Also have had a bit of a break from fundraising over the christmas period!

Since I have started fundraising I am surprised by how many people are affected by autism, nearly everyone I have spoke to has friends or family with autism or know of someone with the condition, as it was something I had very little (or no) knowledge of before my friends little girl was diagnosed.

Hope to be able to update with more fundraising news soon!